Warrior Profiles

SSgt David Olson
Active Duty, Explosive Ordnance Disposal
A little about Me
Staff Sgt. David Olson joined the Air Force in 2004 as a Weapons Load Crew member, retraining into Explosive Ordnance Disposal in 2008. He deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 in support of Combined Joint Task Force Paladin, conducting 27 combat missions directly supporting the 2nd Stryker Combat Regiment. Sgt. Olson was instrumental in aiding in the destruction of insurgent networks by collecting evidence from 13 IEDs, feeding that information to the Afghan Biometric Information Systems. Shortly after returning from his deployment he was shopping at a local Wal-Mart when a women started screaming near the front registers. He jumped into action after finding an unresponsive child who had stopped breathing, saving the child’s life through the quick application of CPR. David says his involvement in AFW2 really pushed him to start getting better saying, “I haven’t felt this happy or proud since earning my EOD badge.”