Air Commanders combines short military biographies and operational analyses to reveal how the personalities, attitudes, and life experiences of twelve outstanding U.S. Airmen shaped the central air campaigns in American history. From General Carl Spaatz to the recently retired General T. Michael Moseley, the case studies illuminate the character of these Airmen, the challenges they confronted in widely disparate armed conflicts, and the solutions that they crafted and implemented. Their achievements proved decisive not only in the campaigns they led, but also in shaping the U.S. Air Force and the dominant role of airpower in modern warfare.
Air Commanders
Published in 2012 by John Andreas Olsen

CSAF Message
The Airmen who nominated this book noted that its inspiring stories of Airman leadership can help each of us better tell the Air Force story. I couldn't agree more – Olsen's book is a wonderful primer in the leadership history of the U.S. Air Force (the best Air Force in the world!)…and is a must-read for all professional Airmen.

About The Author
Colonel John Andreas Olsen is a Royal Norwegian Air Force colonel, with assignments as an operator, strategist, political-military advisor, and educator. His previous publications include A History of Air Warfare, Global Air Power, and John Warden and the Renaissance of American Air Power. The latter was featured on the CSAF Reading List in 2008.