This book outlines seven key mind-sets of successful professionals, offering a blueprint for both individuals and organizations interested in fostering a culture of professionalism. It rests upon the premise that professionalism is unique – it is the ladder upon which all other organizational virtues rest, which is why organizations whose members view themselves as professionals outperform, outsmart, and outlast organizations that don't. Readers see how uncompromising professional standards lead to unparalleled success through the stories of retired Air Force General Richard Myers, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; FBI agent George Piro, during his game-changing interrogation of Saddam Hussein; Kathy Ireland, as she builds a design and marketing enterprise; the Dave Matthews Band; and many more.
The Power of Professionalism
Published in 2011 by Bill Wiersma

CSAF Message
This book was recommended to me by five Airmen…and by my Professionalism Working Group as well. Professionalism isn't an accident; it's a learned skill, and one we can all get better at through deliberate study. Here, Bill Wiersma gives us some great study material…told through some pretty great stories!

About The Author
Bill Wiersma is the founder and principal of a management consulting and training firm that provides services to Fortune 500 companies and to the professional services sector. He previously held executive responsibilities as a director in a Fortune 200 company, and as a board member and president of a privately held technology company.