60 Minutes: Tour a Nuclear Launch
Control Center

Released in 2014, Narrated by Lesley Stahl

For decades, American Airmen have trained, prepared, and sat alert on a mission deep inside the Earth. These young Airmen control the world’s most powerful weapons with unflinching professionalism. Lesley Stahl tours a launch control facility and is surprised by the dated technology…and the trust we put in our youngest officers and maintainers.

Lesley Stahl

About the Narrator

Lesley Rene Stahl (born December 16, 1941) is an American television journalist. Since 1991, she has reported for CBS on 60 Minutes. Lesley Stahl is one of the founding members of wowOwow.com, a website for women to talk about culture, politics, and gossip. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is on the Board of Selectors of Jefferson Awards for Public Service.