Warrior Profiles

MSgt Miguel Acevedo
Active Duty, Flight Engineer
A little about Me
Q. Describe your illness or injury:
A. My recent injuries are related to a helicopter crash that took place on board an Mi-17 in Afghanistan on July 22nd, 2016. During the accident I dislocated my left shoulder, and now suffer from mild TBI from a concussion.
Q. How did your Service’s Wounded Warrior Program (Warrior Transition Unit, Wounded Warrior Regiment, Other Service Wounded Warrior Unit) assigned or previously assigned to enhance your recovery?
A. The AF Wounded Warrior staff has been along my side the entire time. They have helped me connect with resources within the local community which has allowed for my healing and rehabilitation to progress. They have also kept track of my medical care to ensure things are going well.
Q. What is the significance of sports/competition? How has it helped you? What does it mean to you?
A. Sports competition is about competing with one’s self to achieve a greater level of excellence and continue progressing. It is also about sportsmanship and comradery. When you or your teammate feels that they have reached the end of the road, to push them past that barrier for a greater achievement.
Q. What advice do you have for future athletes?
A. It doesn’t matter how little or how much you can do, the key is to get started with a training program. That will define your personal best which should be the goal to achieve and defeat to improve your personal record.
Q. What are your short and long term goals (personal, professional, recovery-related, etc.)?
A. My goals are to complete my bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, finish my certificated flight instructor rating for single engine land airplanes. I also want to continue my physical recovery to minimize the amount of daily pain and lean to a pre-injury physical condition.