Warrior Profiles

Scott Addington
Veteran, Petroleum Oils and Lubricants (POL)
A little about Me
Q. How did your Service’s Wounded Warrior Program (Warrior Transition Unit, Wounded Warrior Regiment, Other Service Wounded Warrior Unit) assigned or previously assigned to enhance your recovery?
A. Shooting and archery has allowed me to regain control and focus in my life.
Q. How has adaptive reconditioning and sports helped in your transition and recovery? What adaptive reconditioning activities do you participate in?
A. It provided me with a “shot” of blue and reconnected me with the Air Force helping me fulfill the social pillar that is so essential to proper recovery.
Q. What is the significance of sports/competition? How has it helped you? What does it mean to you?
A. It allows me to regain the little bit of control that I lost and helps me focus on the target, tasks and primary processes both in sports and in daily life.
Q. What advice do you have for future athletes?
A. Throughout all the competition, the key thing to remember is to always have fun.
Q. What are your short and long term goals (personal, professional, recovery-related, etc.)?
A. My goal is to finish my Master’s Degree in Organizational management and start a family-owned business with my wife, Lilinoe and brother Lance. I'd like to take the skills I learned through the camps and help bring other people of their shells, in turn helping them succeed in achieving their goals.