Warrior Profiles

Robert Harper
Retired, Vehicle Operator
A little about Me
Q. What are your short and long term goals (personal, professional, recovery-related, etc.)?
A. Short term goal would be to start a new “normal” for me, a new lifestyle that fits the mold of where I am now compared to where I was before I started getting out of my house.
Q. How did your Service’s Wounded Warrior Program (Warrior Transition Unit, Wounded Warrior Regiment, Other Service Wounded Warrior Unit) assigned or previously assigned to enhance your recovery?
A. It gets me out of the house. It basically cut the umbilical cord and started a new life again.
Q. What is the significance of sports/competition? How has it helped you? What does it mean to you?
A. It gives me something to look forward to and I want to see what I’m actually capable of doing.
Q. How has adaptive reconditioning and sports helped in your transition and recovery? What adaptive reconditioning activities do you participate in?
A. It gets me going and keeps me from thinking about all the negative thoughts.
Q. Who has supported you in your training? How?
A. My sons, my girl Daniya and my tight-knit group of family that I have. It’s just nice to have the support of those people.