Warrior Profiles

TSgt Tanya Perez
Active Duty, Security Forces
A little about Me
Q. What are your short and long term goals (personal, professional, recovery-related, etc.)?
A. Short term goal is to finish my Bachelor’s degree and to make master sergeant Then on to a Master’s in Global Marketing. Long-term goal is to retire at 20 years then use my GI Bill to go into Forensic Investigation, open a small business called “Believe & Encourage” to do wood art and painting with inspirational quotes.
Q. How did your Service’s Wounded Warrior Program (Warrior Transition Unit, Wounded Warrior Regiment, Other Service Wounded Warrior Unit) assigned or previously assigned to enhance your recovery?
A. The RCC expedited my medical treatment and set me up with the specialties that I needed and, as a licensed social worker, she provided me counseling and alternative means to live my life. Just knowing that someone sincerely cared about me literally saved my life.
Q. What is the significance of sports/competition? How has it helped you? What does it mean to you?
A. It puts a piece back in my life that was missing and gives me the opportunity to challenge myself and others and educate others in the process.
Q. What advice do you have for future athletes?
A. You can either be pitiful or powerful. Choosing power is knowing that it has to start with you.
Q. How has adaptive reconditioning and sports helped in your transition and recovery? What adaptive reconditioning activities do you participate in?
A. It’s given me the opportunity to get my fitness back and given me the self-confidence that I had lost.