Warrior Profiles

TSgt Brian williams
Active Duty, Security Forces
A little about Me
Q. How has adaptive reconditioning and sports helped in your transition and recovery? What adaptive reconditioning activities do you participate in?
A. Basketball, Volleyball, it helps take me away from the everyday stresses that are part of my new normal. It gives me something else to focus on.
Q. How did your Service’s Wounded Warrior Program (Warrior Transition Unit, Wounded Warrior Regiment, Other Service Wounded Warrior Unit) assigned or previously assigned to enhance your recovery?
A. Without them I wouldn’t be where I am today
Q. What is the significance of sports/competition? How has it helped you? What does it mean to you?
A. I am a competitive person, I like the rush of being under pressure and doing what is necessary to come out on top.
Q. What advice do you have for future athletes?
A. You will get out what you put in, don’t slack off and everything you worked hard for will eventually come to you.
Q. What does it mean to you to represent the Air force at Warrior Games?
A. Means plenty, as I would like to represent the branch of service I chose to take part in 15 years ago. It’s a large family and I do not want to let them down.