Reading List

Chief of Staff of the Air Force

Professional Reading List


Cyberspace in Peace and War

by Martin C. Libicke

The pace of change and disruption in the cyber domain is accelerating at a rate that we must understand.  America’s adversaries—from individual actors to nations—will continue to grow new and dangerous cyber capabilities for the foreseeable future as they pursue asymmetric advantages to counter our strengths.  This book provides a great baseline for all Airmen as we assess operations in the cyber realm and the associated implications on the future of warfare.


The Second Nuclear Age

by Paul Bracken

We are responsible for maintaining and employing 2/3 of the Nation’s nuclear triad and 75% of nuclear command, control and communications—underpinning our strategic deterrence.  As we face rising powers and unstable regimes, understanding and advocacy for our nuclear force by all American Airmen has never been more important.  New thinking about deterrence theory in the 21st century is essential. This book gives us insight into the complexity of nuclear order in our dynamic global security environment.


Airpower Reborn

by John Andreas Olsen

Airpower has changed the way we fight—offering our Nation’s leaders options for delivering effects around the globe on short order.  We must continue to evolve how we generate and employ airpower across the spectrum of conflict.  This book offers an array of perspectives and theories on airpower, and will promote critical thought and dialogue among our Airmen as they mold our Air Force for the future.