AF Art Collection (2010.14) by Warren Neary
This piece captures the myriad elements that support and use the Wide Band Global SATCOM system. Starting in the top right, this painting depicts a WGS satellite, a 3rd Space Operations Squadron Crew Commander and satellite operator, an Army 53rd Signal Battalion satellite package operator, Global Hawk, a few Marines, a Predator, a couple of Navy ships, JSTARS, an Atlas 5 rocket launching a WGS satellite package, and the Earth against a field of space.
General Ronald Fogleman created the CSAF Professional Reading Program in 1996 to develop a common frame of reference among Air Force members -- officers, enlisted, and civilians -- to help each of us become better, more effective advocates of air and space power. Each CSAF since then has enhanced and continued the Professional Reading Program.
2014 Chief of Staff of The Air Force Reading List