090909-F- JV248-356

by SSgt Chris Griffin

Climbing up hill during a stretch of the BEAST obstacle course trainees are paired with buddy (wingman) as they progress uphill 2 Sep. 2009. Replacing Warrior Week at Air Force Basic Military Training the BEAST is designed to but Air Force trainees through a simulated combat deployment experience. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Chris Griffin)(Released)

Photographers Narrative


As I watched trainee after trainee traverse this huge tunnel that lay in front of me, they were all racing for the same thing:  the final uphill crawl to complete the course.  Going through basic training, this tunnel wasn’t part of our training, so I followed the very last trainee through the tunnel to get a vision of what they have to endure. As the trainee lay prone to start ascending the hill, I was in awe of the bodies that were shuffling their way up the hill like ants, being pushed to their limits by military training instructors.