
by SSgt Chris Griffin

Every day the members of the U.S. military put their lives at risk and everyday a report is released that another sailor, Marine, soldier or airman has fallen. In 2011 more than 3,000 have been KIA in the fight on terrorism. Making up less than one percent of Americans, they defend the freedoms and liberties of their friends and families. The sacrifices by few for the good of many. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Chris Griffin)(Released)

Photographers Narrative


One experience that helps military photographers become very effective storytellers is having the opportunity to be selected for the Syracuse University Military Photojournalism Program. This nation's leading school in journalism helps military photographers, who are primarily trained to document, become effective storytellers to better communicate the message of what the military is doing around the world. Part of the program is a lighting and illustration class that forces you to think outside the box.  It also forces you to master controlled lighting conditions to best communicate a message through a photo. My intent was to illustrate, through detail, the greatest sacrifice you can make while serving our country. I feel this type of training is important to any command a photographer works for when a more creative message is requested by leadership.