TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global set of conferences run by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading.” While its early emphasis was technology and design, today, “TED talks” address a wide range of topics within the research and practice of science and culture – often through storytelling, and all in less than 20 minutes apiece.
List: “Resources”
Resource Titles (Click on arrow for dropdown list)

- Air University
- American Enterprise Institute
- Big Think
- Brookings
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Center for a New American Security
- Center for Strategic & International Studies
- Chatham House
- Council on Foreign Relations
- EdX
- Khan Academy
- MIT Open Courseware
- National Museum of the USAF
- National Public Radio
- PBS: Frontline
- Pentagon Channel
- Singularity University
- The Atlantic Council
- The National Interest
- The Santa Fe Institute
- The United States Air Force Art Collection
- United States Air Force Center for Strategy and Technology
- War, Literature & the Arts
- Wired Science
Singularity University’s mission is to assemble, educate, and inspire a cadre of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies to address humanity’s challenges.
The National Interest is a prominent American bi-monthly international affairs magazine published by the Center for the National Interest. The National Interest attempts to pay attention to broad ideas and the way in which cultural and social differences, technological innovations, history, and religion impact the behavior of states.
The Santa Fe Institute is a private, not-for-profit, independent research and education center, founded in 1984, where leading scientists grapple with some of the most compelling and complex problems of our time.
The United States Air Force Art Collection documents the story of the Air Force through the universal language of art. The Collection’s website provides free access to paintings both historical and educational, and expose the military and public alike to the diverse roles and capabilities of the United States Air Force.
The Center for Strategy and Technology was established at the Air War College in 1997. Its purpose is to engage in long-term strategic thinking about technology and its implications for U.S. national security. The Center focuses on education, research, and publications that support the integration of technology into national strategy and policy.
War, Literature & the Arts is an American literary magazine that publishes stories, poems, essays, reviews, and visuals related to war and military affairs. It was founded in 1989 and is based at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado.
Wired is a full-color monthly American magazine and on-line periodical, published since January 1993, that reports on how new and developing technology affects culture, the economy, and politics.